Here’s a list of some fun, less known facts about the ‘XianJian QiXia Zhuan’ dramas. Many of these were contributed by members of our XianJian Fan Club.
Here are some screen shots of Zhao Ling’er and Li Xiaoyao from the MMORPG, Chinese Paladin Gameplay Online! All images are courtesy of seanluusa. If you wish to use some of these on your site/forum, please provide a credit link back to Chinese Paladin Fan Website. As a special treat for our longtime readers, we give out
We have some fabulous news to share 😀 As you can see from the headline.. our beloved game ‘Legend of the Sword and Fairy/Chinese Paladin/ (仙劍奇俠傳) has now been fully translated into English! A group of dedicated PAL fans have gotten together to work on this project and it’s finally complete. I am personally very very excited