Download & Play ‘The Legend of Sword and Fairy’/Chinese Paladin in ENGLISH!

We have some fabulous news to share 😀 As you can see from the headline.. our beloved game ‘Legend of the Sword and Fairy/Chinese Paladin/ (仙劍奇俠傳) has now been fully translated into English! A group of dedicated PAL fans have gotten together to work on this project and it’s finally complete. I am personally very very excited about this, and can’t wait to re-play it (I’m downloading it as we speak!)

Here’s how to get started!

  1. Download PAL98 original game (in Simplified Chinese) here:
  2. Download the English Patch here: .
  3. Extract all files and replace the original game files with the patch files. Run PAL.exe and you’re all set!For enhanced game performance, and to remove lots of limitations, please download: SDLPal International Fork from

More info:

Xire and unmentioned translators for Original Translation (v2.5)
chamine for ‘PalDialogs Tool’
Pantamorph and others for keeping the original translated files alive
Administrators for maintaining Chinese Paladin English Forum @ (Hey, that’s us :D!)Whistler for the original ‘SDLPal’
SuperMouse (louyihua) and SDLPal team for ‘SDLPal International’/Unicode Support fork
PalMusicFan for the many assistance in making ‘SDLPal International’ fork port possible


A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone involved!!